If your feed is like ours, this time of year, they are full of donation requests from many organizations doing good work, locally, nationally, and globally. So many problems feel too big, too intractable for one donation to make a difference.
Here at Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia, one donation makes a difference. One donation, even a small one, can keep someone alive. A $4 donation buys SEPTA passes for someone to get to a clinic for the day’s methadone dose. In the early days of recovery, that trip can quash the physical craving so someone can stay away from heroine, fentanyl, and other opioids for another day. In 2023, close to 900 Philadelphians died from unintentional opiate and opioids overdoses.
Every day someone with substance use disorder stays clean or sober is another day they get to learn how to do it again tomorrow. Put enough days together, and recovery becomes a way of life. There is no cure for this chronic, progressive disease, but staying clean or sober one day at a time is a treatment that works for many people in recovery. Recovery nurtures conditions to repair relationships with family and friends, to get and keep jobs, and to maintain stable housing. One donation can make all that happen, just by providing a couple of SEPTA passes.
Nearly all our staff are in recovery, and most first found recovery when they were program participants right here at RWAP. Today, they are reaching back to show new participants the path. They can say with all authenticity, “I got clean here. I learned how to stay clean here. You can, too.” One donation not only saves one life, but when that life goes on to save others, that one donation saves many lives.
Please make your donation by PayPal or credit card via the Donate Now button at www.rwaphila.org. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to “Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia”.