RWAP graduates are:
In recovery
Employed full-time
Independently housed​​​
For additional questions about Ready, Willing & Able eligibility, please contact:
Anthony Moore
Case Manager
Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia's comprehensive approach to recovery includes connecting participants with intensive outpatient providers, Medication Assisted Treatment when appropriate, dormitory-style housing, paid work, vocational training, supported job search, social support services, and life-long graduate services. Our facility houses 61 residents. To graduate, trainees must meet three stringent criteria: long-term recovery, full-time employment, and independent housing.
Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia is a recovery housing provider that is funded by the City of Philadelphia's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services through the Office of Addiction Services.
Program Eligibility: Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia accepts males, over the age of 18, referred by the City of Philadelphia's Office of Addiction Services. Case managers in these facilities can work with interested clients in requesting referral to RWAP. Applicants to Ready, Willing & Able Philadelphia should also be:
Ready...to recover from substance use disorder (addiction to drugs and alcohol).
Willing...to commit to program structure of self-sufficiency.
Able...to work.